Development Sites - Information for Software-Developers

Developer Platform
The first instructions
System param. structures
connect to MeteoCom
simple screen drawing
own data drawing
Picture service
File Management
EmailBulletin Service

Overview of Deveolper Platform

Bonito MeteoTools.dll

This is a tool for the MeteoServer.net meteo data service
It is supposed to be used for an implementation into your own application.
This tool is supposed to help with simplifying the graphic,
representation and preparation of meteo data.


Developing Conditions

this document

Overview of all the documents of this platform

Source Code

The page of the sample codes BonitoMeteoLinkageTest

The first instructions

The Concept

Declaration of the ingestion of data from MeteoServer.net


Copyright notice

The first steps

The simple way of drawing data in your own Application


Preparation of the MeteoTools.dll


InstallMeteoServerTool Installation of the MeteoTools.dll
DeInstallMeteoServerTool Deinstallation of the MeteoTools.dll

Sytem parameters,  structures and definitions

GetBSM_Para Get the parameters of the MeteoCom-System
GetColorMatrix Get the colors matrix of all the lines and planes
structures, messages Definitions of diverse file structures and messages


connect to MeteoCom
ConnectMeteoCom Init the tools and connect the MeteoCom-System
DisconnectMeteoCom Disconnect from the MeteoCom-System


simple screen drawing service
DrawSeaData Draw all meteo details of the sea level in your view area
DrawSfcData Draw all meteo details of the surface level in your view area
DrawSynData Draw all synop symbols in your view area


self drawing and own data presentation
LoadScreenField Load a data array for the screen area 
(selection of the used data field)
LoadDataField Load a array of data for your own geographic area
GetDataOfPoint Get synop data set from Point
SetSynopField Prepare of GetSynopDataSet
GetSynopDataSet Get the synop data set from selected field
GetSynopDataOfPoint Get meteo data  set from Point
GetPoliLines Get an array of lines of all planes
GetCoordinates Get an array of coordinates points
GetIsoPlanes Get an array of lines from a single plane
SetGridDimension Set the Dimension of the Sreen-Grid und Symbols
GetDrawPara Get the parameters of the GridDimension


Picture service
LoadPictureList Load the picture list of the MeteoCom System
(init picture file system)
GetPicFiles Returned the picture file array
DrawThumbFolders Draw a thubnail picture in your ListCtrl
MovePicFile Move a picture to another folder in the list and reports this
DeletePicFile Delete a picture of the list structure and reports this
RenamePicFileName Rename a picture of the list structure and reports this


File Management
LoadAllMSDFiles Load the Meteo Server Data file list of the MeteoCom System
(init MSD file system)
GetFirstSynopMSDFile Returned the first set of synop file pointer
GetCurrentMSDFile Returned the currend selected set of meteo file pointer
SetCurrentMSDFile Set the currend set of meteo file pointer
GetMSDFileList Get the list of Meteo Server Data files


EmailBulletin Service
MeteoPack EmailBulletin Gerneral information about MeteoPack & EmailBulletin
DecodeMPfromFile Decode a .txt or .zip MeteoPack file
DecodeMPfromClipBoard Decode a MeteoPack as text from the clipboard

   Copyright 2006 © Bonito Germany.   